< Cobra
""" Example DocString for a module. This program doesnt do anything useful or realistic beyond being an example of a cobra program and showing some of the language constructs. """ #Assembly attributes assembly has SharedAttribute use System.Text.RegularExpressions %%number decimal namespace Hops class Example var counter = 0 def incCount(i as int) .counter += i def main is shared e = Example() e.incCount(10) assert e.counter == 10 class AnotherExample pass struct Point var x = 0 var y = 0 enum ColorPart """What is the color of magic""" Red Green Blue Octarine sig VoidDelegate # method taking no args and having no return type sig NullStringDelegate(s as String) as String? # method taking String and returning String or null extend String def fmt(args as vari Object) as String """ Returns the string with any given args applied to it via String.Format """ test s = '{0}is{1}' assert s.fmt('0', '1') =='0is1' assert s.fmt(2, 1) == '2is1' assert s.fmt('One', 'NotTwo') == 'OneisNotTwo' assert s.fmt(nil, nil) == 'is' body return String.format(this, args) to !.