Язык программирования R/Настройки: различия между версиями

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Web-based version
Text Editor and Graphical User Interface
Строка 90:
Существуют проекты, давшие возможность использовать R в сети. Если вам интересно, то обратите внимание на '''Rpad''' ([http://code.google.com/p/rpad/ ссылка]), '''RCloud''' ([http://code.google.com/p/rcloud/ ссылка]) и расширение '''R''' для движка '''MediaWiki''' ([http://mars.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/mediawiki/sk/index.php/R_Extension_for_MediaWiki ссылка]).
== Текстовые редакторы и графические интерфейсы пользователя ==
== Text Editor and Graphical User Interface ==
* Графические интерфейсы пользователя:
** '''Jaguar ''': Java GUI forдля '''R'''<ref>http://jgr.markushelbig.org/JGR.html</ref>
* Graphical User Interface
** '''Rcommander''': <ref>http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Misc/Rcmdr/</ref> разработанный Джоном Фоксом (John Fox) предоставляет меню в стандартном GUI.
** '''Jaguar : Java GUI for R'''<ref>http://jgr.markushelbig.org/JGR.html</ref>
** '''RcommanderRattle''': <ref>http://socservrattle.mcmastertogaware.ca/jfox/Misc/Rcmdrcom/</ref> developedдля Linux, byWindows Johnи Fox provides a menu in the standard Graphical User Interface.Mac
** '''RattleRKwad''': <ref>RKwad http://rattlerkward.togawaresourceforge.comnet/</ref> forграфический интерфейс пользователя для Linux, Windowsна andбазе MacKate.
** '''RpyGTK''': seems to beбыл promisingобещан ([http://code.google.com/p/rpygtk/ linkссылка] andи [http://code.google.com/p/rpygtk/wiki/Screenshots screenshotsскриншоты]).
** '''RKwad'''<ref>RKwad http://rkward.sourceforge.net/</ref> a graphical user interface for Linux.
* Родные текстовые редакторы в стандартном Windows GUI не поддерживающие подсветку кода:
** '''RpyGTK''' seems to be promising ([http://code.google.com/p/rpygtk/ link] and [http://code.google.com/p/rpygtk/wiki/Screenshots screenshots]).
* The native text editor in the standard graphical user interface for Windows does not provide syntax highlighting.
** Notepad++<ref>Note that Notepad++ can be installed on a USB stick http://sourceforge.net/projects/notepadpluspe/</ref> and NPPtoR<ref>NPPtoR is also a portable software http://sourceforge.net/projects/npptor/</ref> provides syntax highlighting and hotkeys (by default F8) to send lines of code to R. Syntax highlighting can be easily modified using the dialog box to manage user define languages ('''Menu/View/Use Define Dialog...'''). NPPtoR provides a method to generate syntax highlighting dynamically (depending on all the available packages in the R environment).
** Tinn R<ref>Tinn stands for ''Tinn Is Not Notepad'' http://www.sciviews.org/Tinn-R/</ref> is a good solution to this problem and is very easy to install. One can easily define keyboard shortcuts to execute selected R code from Tinn R.
** ''How to use R for Windows with the RWinEdt extension ?'' by Andy Eggers<ref>http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~aeggers/RWinEdt_installation.pdf</ref>
* Универсальные текстовые редакторы:
** Vim and GVim provides syntax highlighting
** Vim и GVim поддерживают подсветку кода.
** Emacs withс ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics)<ref>ESS : http://ess.r-project.org/</ref>.
*** See John Fox webpageСмотри [http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Books/Companion/ESS/ess-xemacs.pdf toдокумент] learnДжона Фокса (John Fox) aboutо Emacs andи ESS
* The native Mac OS graphical user interface provides syntax highlighting. So there is no specific need for external text-editor. However, you can use any text editor. [http://smultron.sourceforge.net/ Smultron] is a very popular and easy to use text editor for mac os 10. Vim and Emacs are also available.