Ruby/Справочник/Process: различия между версиями

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Строка 293:
Waits for any child whose process group ID equals that of the calling process.
Waits for any child process (the default if no <em>pid</em> is given).
Waits for any child whose process group ID equals the absolute value of <em>pid</em>.{{АкмарКонец рамки}}
The <i>flags</i> argument may be a logical or of the flag values <tt>Process::WNOHANG</tt> (do not block if no child available) or <tt>Process::WUNTRACED</tt> (return stopped children that haven't been reported). Not all flags are available on all platforms, but a flag value of zero will work on all platforms.
Calling this method raises a <tt>SystemError</tt> if there are no child processes. Not available on all platforms.
Строка 340:
Waits for any child whose process group ID equals that of the calling process.
Waits for any child process (the default if no <em>pid</em> is given).
Waits for any child whose process group ID equals the absolute value of <em>pid</em>.{{АкмарКонец рамки}}
The <i>flags</i> argument may be a logical or of the flag values <tt>Process::WNOHANG</tt> (do not block if no child available) or <tt>Process::WUNTRACED</tt> (return stopped children that haven't been reported). Not all flags are available on all platforms, but a flag value of zero will work on all platforms.
Calling this method raises a <tt>SystemError</tt> if there are no child processes. Not available on all platforms.